Thursday, November 5, 2009


This is my simple note , its subjected to truth ,part of my expressions of my findings .truth is always truth , like principle, it always remains standing after a proven tested time .
My ultimate goal in life is to be original and authentic .stay real ,speak real and just be realistic .part of whats truth is always be careful what you write online because you never know who could be reading .which is ofCourse true.
Truth feels good ,its a good thing ,it sounds good ,it means not doing things beyond your comfort level ,if something i intend to do rings a bell in my comfort system ,i will not do it ,period.However discretion should be used in order not to override an issue were courage is required.
Self awareness is vital to ones success in life , a high sense of principles and values .doing whats fair at all cost .
Theres three things i have to come to learn as i proceed towards my success,number one learning to deal with life .this includes how you relate at all levels ,God and man plus the environment .
Three vital tools that need to be mastered ,because they determine or affect how far you will go in life .
know who belongs were ,whats relevant and whats not .
Truth will tell you when its your turn or Gods turn to do something .Truth will tell you which human belongs and which one doesn' need to qualify people based on there values and motives .
Relentlessly study every environment for strengths ,weaknesses ,differences and opportunities.demographic truths
Truth, always be ready and steady .Lastly never feed what kills you ,death is not merely physical death ,it could be emotional ,mental,spiritual or your hopes and dreams .Ask yourself

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sixith Sense

"The sixth sense defies description! It cannot be described to a person who has not mastered the other principles of this philosophy, because such a person has no knowledge and no experience with which the sixth sense may be compared. Understanding the sixth sense comes only by meditation through mind development from within.

"Through the aid of the sixth sense, you will be warned of impending dangers in time to avoid them and notified of opportunities in time to embrace them.

"The sixth sense is that portion of the subconscious mind which has been referred to as the creative imagination. It has also been referred to as the 'receiving set' through which ideas, plans and thoughts flash into the mind. The flashes are sometimes called hunches or inspirations.

"Understand this law and you will then know, beyond room for the slightest doubt, that you are constantly punishing yourself for every wrong you commit and rewarding yourself for every act of constructive conduct in which you indulge."


You are a hostage to discovery , Old age does not produce wisdom. One wrong person in your life can birth a thousand heart aches .Wrong people birth sad seasons .bad luck follows a sinner .You are either living your life towards gain , or you are adapting and justifying decrease.
Whoever does not increase you will eventually decrease you .All ways seem right to a man but in the end it leads to death..
We are a walking warehouse .repetition creates belief .Do not be deceived , bad company corrupts good morals .God cannot be mocked , a man reaps what he sows. The wages of sin is death .
The environment feeds who you are ,good or bad characters all require conditions through which they can flourish The environment reveals who we are ,like money never makes a man , it simply reveals him.
Death is not what we fear but living defeated is dying everyday.
Steak everything on a single throw, The only reason men fail is broken focus ,the best you is the greatest gift you can ever give to another .
What you hate is a clue to what you are assigned to correct, you will never correct what you re unwilling to confront ,what you grieves you is a clue to what you are assigned to heal. What you love is a clue to your assignment .Your gifting and talents are subject to seasons .different seasons will require a different gift .
Will power ,a strong mind and ability .discretion ,discernment ,decisive incisive ,reaction speed .Instinct ,intuitiveness the hunting instinct ,skill and accuracy .witty .Gut.
Dare, high levels of Discipline ,Simba .I am the best and I will die the best. Just watch ..